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Ques 1. Does ClubLinks have a website builder?
Ans: The website builder is currently under development.

Ques 2. Can I use ClubLinks even if my club does not have a website?
Ans: Yes, your club will be given a landing page from which you can access ClubLinks from.

Ques 3. How long does it take to set up when I suscribe to ClubLinks?
Ans: It takes within 48 hours to setup to run ClubLinks.

Ques 4. Who can have access to ClubLinks in the club?
Ans: An administrator, Club President, Secretary, Treasurer and the Board of Directors can access club links.

Quet 5. How secured is the system?
Ans: ClubLinks employs encryption mechanisms to secure user credentials and member information. We encourage regular backups of client data.

Ques 6. Do I need any special computer skills to access or use ClubLinks?
Ans: No, all you need is basic computer skills. ClubLinks has a very simple interface mimicking that of a website with layed out navigations.

Ques 7. Can multiple users access ClubLinks at the same time?
Ans: Yes, ClubLinks can be accessed by all users at the same time.

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The ClubLinks Team has added two new features at no extra cost.

1. You can now bank club monies in Ghana Cedis and US Dollars and reconcile this with your bank account statements.

2. You can also send an electronic payment receipt to club members with a click of a button.

We are poised to make ClubLinks better for you. 😊