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NOMBRE DE MEMBRES 0-20 21-50 51-100 101-200 201-300 300+
Frais Mensuels 11,00 $17,00 $23,00 $35,00 $49,00 Contactez Nous
$100,00 Frais d'installation

Les prix sont en Dollars Américains et facturés annuellement

Il y a une prime d'installation initiale de 100,00 $ US.

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The ClubLinks Team has added two new features at no extra cost.

1. You can now bank club monies in Ghana Cedis and US Dollars and reconcile this with your bank account statements.

2. You can also send an electronic payment receipt to club members with a click of a button.

We are poised to make ClubLinks better for you. 😊